Laser scanning unit (Galvo), MS315, MS41x, MX410

Part Number: 40X8081

          Status:  Low Stock

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RoHS compliant

Check the serial number of the printer. If the sixth digit character assigned is in the P–Z range, then the LSU is polygon (example: 4514 2ZHH 007CR). If the sixth digit character assigned is in the 0–9 or B–N range, then the LSU is galvo (example: 4514 20HH 007CR7.

Part #: 40X8081 is compatible with:

Model Name: Model Number:
Lexmark MS315dn 4514-335
Lexmark M1140 4514-439
Lexmark XM1140 7015-479
Lexmark M1140+ 4514-539
Lexmark MS415dn 4514-530
Lexmark MX410de 7015-470
Lexmark MS410dn 4514-430
Lexmark MS410d 4514-420